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Our Model


Children who attend Urban Montessori are well educated and able to use their knowledge flexibly in novel contexts. They have effective teachers, trained in Montessori methods, state standards, current research and best practices. Urban Montessori children enjoy learning to think creatively and critically through all subject areas, including math, language arts, science, history/social studies, physical education, music, arts and design. Children have extended blocks of uninterrupted learning time that allow for concentration and practice. Moreover, they collaborate with other children regularly on Design Challenges that make problem solving and creative thinking an integral part of the Urban Montessori experience.

Other characteristics of Urban Montessori include:

  • Multi-age classrooms (kindergarten, 6-9 years, 9-12 years, 12-14 years) that enhance peer tutoring and modeling opportunities, provide the developmental time to master learning goals, and build strong learning communities
  • Individualized lessons that support differentiated instruction and opportunities for practice in a carefully prepared classroom environment
  • Use of proven learning materials and manipulatives that drive curiosity, teach respect, and provide opportunities for children to engage in authentic tasks
  • Low adult-to-child ratio to maximize opportunities for differentiation and self-directed learning
  • Visual arts integrated across the curriculum and into Design Challenges
  • Instruction about the disciplines of music and visual arts, including techniques and history
  • Authentic and varied assessments, including state-mandated tests
  • Curriculum and assessments designed to foster and evaluate deep understanding of content and ideas
  • Technology integration that sets children up for success in the 21st century
  • Teacher collaboration and teacher action research that facilitates improved learning for children