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Attendance/Drop Off FAQs

  • Regular, on-time attendance matters, even in TK and kindergarten! We have roughly 325 students this year and are working to establish positive classroom climates where students engage with the Montessori curriculum, develop new friendships, and learn routines. Students can only access this environment when they regularly attend school. In order to have a successful day, it is important that students are on campus prepared to learn before 8:15 a.m. Late arrivals impact both students and the classroom. Please visit this link to view important facts about attendance (y en español).

  • UMCS receives state funding based on the attendance rate. If a student does not attend school, UMCS does not get paid. Last year, UMCS lost thousands of dollars in revenue because of student absences. Every student who is absent costs roughly $60 per day. Our operating costs (staff and teacher salaries, benefits, facilities lease, Montessori materials) are the same whether children come to school or not. For 2022-2023, our goal at UMCS is an Average Daily Attendance (ADA) of at least 95 percent, which is typical for most Oakland elementary schools. Please attend every day!

  • An “excused” absence is one where a note or documentation is provided to the Front Office, for up to three days of absence. For three days or more, you must provide a note or documentation from a doctor or other service provider which explains the student’s absence. Families can excuse an absence by emailing or using the attendance voicemail line, 510-225-9071.
    An “unexcused” absence is one where there is no communication with the school.  

    For the purposes of calculating chronic absenteeism all absences both excused and unexcused factor into a students attendance percentages. We greatly appreciate parents letting us know about absences, as it helps us with our record keeping.
    Any absence — excused or unexcused — results in a loss of public school funding (~$60 per day).

  • You can report an absence by emailing or calling 510-842-1181 option 0 as soon as you know your child will be absent. Feel feel to leave a voicemail. If your student is sick, particularly if they have a fever or have been vomiting, please keep them home until they have been symptom-free for 24 hours. This is best for the health of our staff and other children as well.

    When at all possible, please schedule any necessary appointments or check-ups outside of the morning work period, which ends at lunch. This helps to minimize disruption for students and the classroom. Wednesday afternoons, when all students are dismissed at 12:30 p.m., and teacher institute days are ideal. You can find the school calendar on the school website.

  • Our campus opens at 7:45 a.m. and classrooms open at 8:00 a.m. Students should be inside their classroom by 8:15 a.m. to start on time.

  • Students are considered “tardy” or late if they arrive at their classroom after 8:15 a.m.

  • The “admit pass” (commonly known as a tardy slip) allows for accurate attendance accounting and ensures that students are counted as being present. Accurate attendance allows school staff to track and assist families who may have challenges getting to school on time. It’s also important from a safety perspective for us to have an accurate attendance roster each day.

  • Please review the Drop Off and Pick Up Locations information.

    To maximize the flow of traffic, families approach Steele Street “one way” from High Street. When leaving campus, please continue “down” towards Buell Street. Please avoid U-turns on Steele Street as much as possible.

    Students and families MAY USE ANY entrance or exit, but please use your student(s) designated location as much as possible. We understand that families and carpools with students in more than one Level need flexibility. Clear communication between families and their student(s) help smooth these transitions.

  • Independent Study is an alternative educational process that allows a student to remain continuously enrolled in school when the student cannot attend school on a daily basis. Independent Study is available for all grades currently served by Urban Montessori. The length of an Independent Study may be from three days to no more than fourteen days. Most students who apply for Independent Study travel out of state or out of the country to participate in important cultural, religious, or family events, because they need support with behavioral issues, or because they are recovering from an illness or injury. Successfully completed Independent Study supports strong school attendance and school finances!

  • Please request an IS packet from the main office at least five days in advance whenever possible. Emergency situations will be handled on an individual basis.

  • Your child's teacher or the main office is a great place to start to get guidance or information about attendance, drop-off procedures, Independent Study, or anything else!